Wednesday, December 24, 2003

We'll see resistance to BPO: Kiran Karmik

"We'll see some resistance to BPO, even though America knows the benefits of outsourcing, it is I wouldn't say resigned to outsourcing", Mr.Kiran Karmik, NASSCOM president and the, 'Forbes face of the year', said. About Mr.Kiran Karmik, it is said that he is a 'man trying to direct the path of the off shoring tsunami'. India is at the moment having a blast with the BPO boom, but does America really has no other alternative? Even though American firms have realized that BPO adds value and does saves a ton of cash, but the negative backlash still lurks in the background.

But how well is the Indian BPO and it industry really doing? India does claim to be ahead of China, Malaysia and other Asian countries, but are we really up there?
Yes, says Mr.Karmik. 'India is ahead of countries like China in areas related to software development etc, but we do lack in infrastructure, where China is ahead'.
One other question that needs some answers is, how well are the small BPO players coping up with this negative backlash? For which he replied that, 'of course they are the ones who get hurt the most in such a scenario. While the bigger companies have the resources and know how to deal with such ups and down, the smaller players on the other hand could get hurt even with slightest changes in the policies'.

'The mood in the IT industry is definitely upbeat', he added.